Building and Safety

The Building Department has a wide range of responsibilities including calculating and collecting permit and development fees, issuing permits, conducting inspections of projects under construction to verify compliance with Building, Plumbing, and Electrical Codes, and confirming that projects are being built according to the approved plans.

The Building Department is also responsible for issuing Stop Work notices for any construction project being worked on without the appropriate City permits.



Building Department Portal Now Available! Click here to go to the portal.  

Click here for the Building Permit Application. 

Click here for the Solar Permit Application. 

Use the portal to fill out a Building permit application or Plan Check application. You can also find field inspection information on an existing permit or view property profile information.

When applying for a building permit, please fill out as much information that applies to your project. If your application is incomplete, we will follow up with you to help you complete your application.

All Plan Check submittals must be submitted in a “PDF” format or you can provide the Building Department with a flash drive for plan check review. We can also help you fill out an application in City hall during normal Building Department hours. The Building Department is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's from 8:00am to 11:00am.

Building Department field inspections are only preformed on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 11am-2pm. When requesting a site inspection make sure you are requesting an inspection on these days.

The City of Villa Park currently contracts with VCA Code for Building Services.

Note: All plans must be submitted online in a "PDF" format. 

Permit Technicians
Shawn Dalipe
Kevin Santos

Building Inspector
Jack Kuwitzky

17855 Santiago Boulevard 
Villa Park, California 92861

Phone: (714) 998-1500 
Fax: (714) 998-1508 

Building Counter Hours:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Inspection Times:

(Please call at least 24 hours in advance to schedule inspection)

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM


  • Building-And-Safety
    • Building and Safety Reports
    • Code Enforcement Violations
    • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
    • Forms and Applications
    • Highlights of Significate Construction Projects
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