The Engineering Department provides engineering services to foster economic growth and general community development. The City Engineer provides direct management of public works projects and technical assistance to all operating departments. In addition, the City Engineer works with both private and public developments to ensure compliance to City specification for land development.
The City of Villa Park contracts its Engineering services through NV5.
Engineering Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The following information is for homeowners, design professionals, and contractors to help with the preparation and processing of grading within the City of Villa Park. The information and references provided serve as guide for the overall requirements associated with Grading requirements. It is the responsibility of the prospective owner/permittee to conduct the research necessary and to consult directly with City staff in the Engineering Land Development Division for a specific project. Each project site has unique characteristics that may require certain approval(s) to be obtained prior to moving forward with a construction permit.
A Grading Permit is required for any grading work specified in the Orange County Grading Manual and Chapter X of the City’s Municipal Code.
Orange County Grading Manual
Municipal Code Chapter X
Municipal Code Chapter 10-7 - Bonds
In general, a Grading Permit is required for the following activities:
Most grading operations have planning and zoning implications and, accordingly, you must obtain approval from the Planning Department for your proposed land use before you can commence grading. To learn more about the planning stage please contact Engineering and Planning staff early in the scoping phase in order to ensure compliance with City regulations.
Discretionary Permit Approvals: Prior to proceeding with applying for a Grading Permit, it is important to determine if any Discretionary Approval(s) will be required.
Compliance with Construction Site Runoff Regulations
All development and redevelopment projects, whether large or small, are obligated to comply with Federal, State, and Local storm water regulations during the planning, construction, and post-construction phases of development. Without proper safeguards, grading can cause water pollution. When grading is being performed, the owner/permittee is responsible for preventing polluted discharges from leaving the project site and entering the City’s storm drain system. Polluted discharges can contain sediment, chemicals and trash. When a grading permit is issued, the City and/or the State's Regional Water Quality Control Board may impose conditions.
The City of Villa Park maintains the policies and guidelines in support of the State Water Resources Control Board and the Construction General Permit. Click here for more information about the Construction General Permit:
Submittal Requirements
The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of the City street system, which includes signs, markings, and traffic signals; the water system which includes the operation and maintenance of water distribution on City medians, streets, and right-of-ways; and the maintenance of the City’s landscape, storm drains, and Civic Center.
Online Portal Now Available! Click here to go to the portal.
Click here to apply for a Right of Way Permit.
Click here to apply for a Transportation Permit.
Note: All plans must be submitted online in a "PDF" format.
City Engineer Mahrooz Ilkhanipour, P.E.
Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00am - 12:00pm
Maintenance Supervisor Mike Knowles
Maintenance Worker Miguel Pola
17855 Santiago Boulevard Villa Park, California 92861
Phone: (714) 998 – 1500 Fax: (714) 998 – 1508
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