Fiscal and City Transparency

Employee Compensation

The City of Villa Park believes that information regarding employee compensation be readily available to the public, and in an effort to provide the compensation of  staff, we have placed the following information on the City’s website. Please note: Villa Park City Councilmembers do not receive compensation.

Currently, the Villa Park staff consists of nine employees: eight full-time and one part-time. Other functions and most City services are provided by contract. 

Full-Time Employees (Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

  • City Manager/City Clerk Steve Franks 
  • Finance Director Lee Siow
  • Senior Management Analyst Alyssa Eazell
  • Management Analyst Sherise Musquiz
  • Management Analyst Ashlea Houston
  • Assistant Planner Justin Urbanski
  • Maintenance Supervisor Mike Knowles 
  • Maintenance Worker Miguel Pola  

Employee Benefits

All City employees are unrepresented and their salaries and benefits are established by resolution which is adopted annually by the City Council. The City Manager’s Salary and benefits are established separately by contract.

City Contracts

Contract  Approved Expires Description
Kimberly-Horn & Associates, Inc.  10-24-2023 06-30-2026 Housing Element Update
Gruber and Lopez, Inc 07-01-2023 06-30-2025 Audit, Tax and Advisory Services
Rutan and Tucker 09-26-2023 10-01-2027 City Attorney, City Attorney Services
NV5 03-26-2024 06-30-2029 City Engineer, General Engineering Services
Sage Crest Planning + Environmental 09-30-2023 09-30-2026 Planning Director, General Planning Services
John L. Hunter and Associates 07-01-2023 06-30-2028 NPDES MS4 Permit Services
Brea IT 04-23-2024 06-30-2025 Technology Services
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner 07-01-2023 06-30-2028 Law Enforcement Services
Orange Country Fire Authority 07-01-2010 06-30-2030 Fire Protection, Prevention and Suppression Services
Republic Waste Services 01-01-2012 06-30-2030 Waste Management
City Clerk Management Services, Inc. 03-26-2024 06-30-2025 City Clerk Services
California Yellow Cab 07-01-2021 06-30-2025 Taxi Services for SMP Program

Statement of Economic Interests - Form 700


The Political Reform Act ("PRA"), also known as the Conflict of Interest Code, requires designated public officials to file a Statement of Economic Interests ("SEI"), Form 700 (aka Conflict of Interest Statement). The purpose is to disclose assets and income which may be materially affected by their official actions. 

To search for Form 700 local statements, click here. 


Form 806 – Public Official Appointments

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) requires each agency to post a single Form 806 (FPCC Regulation 18705.5 amended March 2012). Form 806 reports additional compensation that officials receive when appointing themselves to positions on other boards, commissions or committees of a public agency, special district, and joint power agency/authorities. Each agency must post a single Form 806 listing all paid appointed positions including the date appointed, length of term and stipend amount. For information about Form 806 visit California's Fair Political Practices Commission website.

Catalog of Enterprise Systems

In compliance with California Government Code Section 6270.5, the City is required to post a Catalog of Enterprise Systems. The catalog is a list of all the City’s major business systems except those that are specifically excluded from publication under the statute. The catalog includes the rough time period over which the data is collected and updated.

Find below, all the documents associated with the City of Villa Park's Transparency.

  • Fiscal-City Transparency
    • Budgeted_Actual Compensation Reports
    • Catalog of Enterprise Systems
    • City Contracts
    • Employee Benefits
    • Form 806-Public Official Appointments
    • FPPC Filings
    • Policy Manual
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