To learn important information about Natural Gas Pipeline Safety CLICK HERE.
For more information on how SoCalGas is working to keep natural gas pipeline systems operating safely and reliably every day, visit: Pipeline Safety | SoCalGas.
Click here to view the latest recycling, compost and solid waste news in Villa Park.
For any questions or concerns, contact Republic Services Customer Service at 800-700-8610 or visit their website for more information.
The City of Villa Park hosted its second 2024-25 Budget Workshop on Monday, May 6, 2024. Due to technical difficulties, no streaming or video recording is available. The City is actively working to resolve the issue and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
For residents who were not able to attend the meeting in-person, the presentation slides are linked below. Should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact City Hall at (714)-998-1500.
2024-25 Second Budget Workshop PPT
Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the active participation of residents in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime in their communities. It involves neighbors getting to know each other and working together in a program of mutual assistance. Residents become trained to recognize and report suspicious activities and can then implement crime prevention techniques in their neighborhoods.
Neighborhood Watch meetings can cover such topics as Home Security, Personal Safety, Identity Theft, Disaster Preparedness and any other topics that your neighborhood may be interested in.
For more information on Neighborhood Watch, please contact the program at
As required by state law SB 1383, the City of Villa Park has launched an organic recycling program in partnership with the City's waste hauler, Republic Services. Beginning January 1, 2023, residents can place organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, in your existing brown yard waste cart.
Beneath the surface of the ground, hidden from view, are gas lines, water lines, cable lines, and other utilities. If you don’t know exactly where they are, your digging could cause disruption to services, harm to the general public, injuries, or even an explosion. By using, you begin the process of notifying DigAlert members who own underground utilities and have requested notification within the area of your planned excavation.
If you are undergoing work on your property that could affect utility infrastructure, make sure that you are in compliance with the City, in contact with utility providers, and in communication with neighbors who may be affected by the work. DigAlert is one resource that can help facilitate the communication necessary to prevent an accident.
More Information About DigAlert
This is a reminder that short-term rentals are NOT allowed in the City of Villa Park. If anyone is aware of any please contact City Hall at (714) 998-1500 or complete the Code Violation Complaint Form.
Visit the OCMVCD website for tips regarding how you can check for any mosquito breeding sites at your home.
Residents should take the following precautions to help reduce the chances of breeding mosquitoes:
The Senior Mobility Program provides door-to-door taxi services for eligible Villa Park residents to limited destinations. Participants must be at least 60 years of age. Qualified residents must apply and upon application approval, a Senior Mobility ID number will be issued to authorize program participation. This program operates twenty-four (24) hours, seven (7) days a week, including holidays.
Click here for the program guidelines and more information. If you are interested in joining this program, you can apply online at the same link above or at City Hall.
The City of Villa Park's Fiscal Year Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program.
The City of Villa Park regulates the size and location of residential development in order to keep buildings in proportion to the land area.