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All Posts Author: Sherise Musquiz

Neighborhood Watch

Jan 18 2024
Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the active participation of residents in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime in their communities. It involves neighbors getting to know each other and working together in a program of mutual assistance. Residents become trained to recognize and report suspicious activities and can then implement crime prevention techniques in their neighborhoods. 

  • Neighborhood Watch does not require frequent or elaborate meetings 
  • It does not ask that anyone take any personal risks to prevent crime 
  • Law enforcement personnel will attend your meetings to answer questions about crime in your community and provide valuable information on how the Sheriff’s Department works. 

Neighborhood Watch meetings can cover such topics as Home Security, Personal Safety, Identity Theft, Disaster Preparedness and any other topics that your neighborhood may be interested in. 

For more information on Neighborhood Watch, please contact the program at